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Attention Receipts

Utilizing the Materiality of Receipts to Improve Screen-time Reflection on YouTube

Anup Sathya, Ken Nakagaki


YouTube remains a site of problematic persuasive media consumption,  often overriding the goals of users when on the platform. In resistance,  we present Attention Receipts - artifacts that materialize the cost of  being persuaded by the engagement driven design of YouTube. We design  and build a browser plugin and a receipt printer that helps users  critically reflect upon their time spent watching videos on YouTube. In a  3 week field-deployment with 6 participants, we evaluate how the  materiality of the receipt and their agency in the reflection process  affect both the quality of reflection and the time spent consuming  media. We find that the materiality of the receipts positively  influences time spent consuming internet media and that users were split  on having agency over when and how they reflect upon their screen-time.  We conclude with design recommendations for domestic artifacts that  utilize materiality to reveal the effects of persuasive technology.

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*For press inquiry, please contact < anups at >


Axhibition 2024: 'RE-SHAPING'

University of Chicago

AxLab Members

Anup Sathya

Ken Nakagaki


Attention Receipts: Utilizing the Materiality of Receipts to Improve Screen-time Reflection on YouTube

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